Saturday, June 11, 2011

Washington, DC -!

************START OF AN ADVENTURE************

On June 2nd, My sister Grace, and my other Blockhead sisters Angela and Crystal had been planning this since November of last year when we heard about the tour. We couldn't wait to go. We couldn't believe that we would see them in 24 hours. Per our typical NKOTB adventure, I began driving the car to Washington, DC. All of us settled in, and we knew that we were in for a ride, and of course we would make our standard stops at each state line, North Carolina and Virginia. We even managed to stop at South of the Border (NC Border, that is).

Once we arrived in Washington, DC. We couldn't sit in our room, we decided to go looking for the White House. We were in the Chinatown district of D.C., so we had a few blocks, but it was a cool night, and not many people, so we took advantage and saw the Washington Monument and the White House.

On June 3rd, we all went to the Jack Diamond Show at 4:45am to see Brooke Ryan. No one was there yet, but we were dressed in our NKOTB garb as well as one my TWIX dresses. It is hard to not make a comment when I wear it, and of course, the inevitable question is why TWIX, and I always say because of New Kids on the Block and Jordan Knight. NKTWIXGIRL is my alternate identity in this world, and I love it.

The Jack Diamond show was fun. We met Jack, Ally, and Jimmy. Angela and I got to play a game and win tickets and get on video feed. We met Aisha Tyler (formerly on Talk Soup and Friends). Santa Clause was even in the studio audience. Jack busted me and Angela for texting, but we couldn't help it. I had a blast promoting New Kids!

When the show was done, I got asked to go on another radio show. It was a sports show, and they had to ask me why I was wearing a TWIX dress, of course.

We managed to get to Georgetown with one of the best cabbies ever. He was so funny. We had to get to DC Cupcakes (featured on TLC), and the line was already long, and they weren't open yet. Grace managed to place an order, but we had to wait, so we walked around, and of course, again, you can't miss a gold TWIX dress, so there were plenty of cat calls and necks jerking around.

We finally got back to the hotel, and I thought I could take a quick nap, but instead, we decided to go to Union Station just in case the guys were going to hop a train from the performance from The Today Show. Unluckily for us, they weren't there,so we headed back to the hotel, but we did at least get to ride the DC subway.

************THE MEET/GREET************

Now, I haven't seen the guys 5* since Tampa as a non-TWIX fan, so I have seen some of the guys in my TWIX outfit (Jordan, Donnie, and Jonathan), so I was apprehensive.

In typical fashion, I walked in with my basket of Twixes. Most of the NKOTB fans got it. In fact, I met Martha again, who I had previously met at our Houston adventure. She is from Mexico. The BSB fans did not get my outfit, and I was getting some evil eyes, but I didn't care because I wasn't wearing the dress to impress them.

My sister Grace and I were waiting to get our information, and our seats. We were so excited when we found out that we were going to be the front row on the "shaft". It is the penis stage after all. Hey, I never labeled it, that's just what it's called. We got into the area, and several people wanted to take my pictures. We were looking for our F group. Luckily, Rachel (@belarach) found us and organized the group into how and who we were going to stand next to for the two pictures. I didn't care but I knew I had to stand next to Jordan in one.

They called our group, and my hands were sweating. There were 3 rules, don't bring the presents inside, don't bring a camera, and don't bring anything to sign. People's items were being confiscated; however, I happened to walk in with my basket, and they didn't say anything, not even Earl, the bodyguard. Now Earl and I get along since the Ddub birthday parties, and he thinks I'm hilarious. He always shakes his head and chuckles whenever he sees me. I let out a breath.

It was like the chorus of angels because all of our F group was already talking to them, and when I walked in. Everyone said OOOH! Jordan started chuckling, and he goes, My twix girl. (Inside, I'm about to fall out and say Why, yes, yes I am). He hugs me and kisses me on my cheek (did I say I was about to pass out?), but I managed to kiss his neck (yes, I could've died then). I hand Jordan the basket of twixes and he laughs and says thank you...technically it was for all of them, but hey, whatever! I could only find the Java, Regular, and Peanut Butter ones, but it wasn't from lack of trying. Additionally, I had a mini sign that says Have a TWIXted Tour, and a thank you letter commenting on how much they meant to me, especially during my treatment.

Joey then says Jordan man, you've got to get the girl on stage and eat her. All I could muster up is OOOOH...(the appropriate response would be Now that would make me have an O face, which is one of Jordan's songs on his New Single Unfinished - Did you like how I incorporated that?!) Then I said you guys stepped it up this tour, so I did, too, and I hit my button, and my dress lit up. They start yelling OOOOH!

Jonathan wants to hug me because he thinks it is the most hilarious and is literally laughing the whole time. Donnie says hey Twixie come here and give me a hug, which I do. He tells me he likes my dress. Then they start yelling to get into the picture, so I do. I run to Jordan and they click it, then everyone starts saying get by your other person, and I end up going to Joey Mc, since I was assigned to him, but Jordan said where are you going, and I said I had to (trust me I kick myself because I should've stayed). Joey says I want a light up outfit, and I said hey DM me NKTWIXGIRL, and I'll get you the information.

Then it was over, but Jordan puts his arm around me (yes, I could've died then too), and he says you're taking a picture with me, so I said okay. Jonathan then says, me too, and Donnie goes, uh the whole group. They start yelling for Joey who is occupied with a fan, and the ILAA folks are telling us to wrap up, so they said let's just take the picture with the 4 of they did. I was so happy then. I asked Danny I know it's not healthy but do you like the dress, and he says No I love it. YEAH for Chocolate caramel goodness everywhere! Jordan says I'll see you out there and gives me one more hug, and I said Thank you so much (yeah dork), and I proceed to hug everyone again. Earl is yelling Twixie quit taking up so much time, so I said okay, I'm going but had one more hug from Jordan (YES LORD)! At this moment, it literally was the guys and me - PURE CARAMEL BLISS, I tell ya.

I walk out, and high five Earl, and he just starts laughing at me. I jump up and down high fiving my sister (Earl said hurry up to her, and she said I'm just waiting on my sister, and he said, you were separated at birth, you can be separate now!). I am literally shaking now just from the adrenaline and pure joy of it all. The dress it worked! Now there were several folks also from other countries, and they were excited to take a picture with me (now that's a twist of fate!). As I was walking out, I saw Ethan Farmer (Bass Player for NKOTB), and he said oh TWIX! I said hey check out the new and improved dress, and I turn it on for him, and he said That's so dramatic. HA!

Of course now, Grace has tweeted and Facebooked my "WIN" because I was truly #WINNING!

************THE CONCERT & POST ************

What can I say? The opening opening act was Ashley something or another. She was NOT good. She tried to be Lady Gaga and Britney and failing miserably at all. Jordin Sparks opened the show, and she rocked it out...thank goodness.

NKOTBSB show was remarkable. I was skeptical about the BSB portion as well as the mash up. Yes I would've liked more NKOTB stuff like Click Click Click, but overall it was a good show. And yeah, they could've used some light up outfits.

My dress was "ON" the whole time. AJ, Brian, and Howie would look over and just have these puzzled faces. But my dress does say NK, not BSB! When Jordan finally saw me, he pointed me out, and thankfully, my sister got that picture. I was pretty happy.

After the concert, I sat myself right across the street so when the buses pulled out, they would see me because my dress was "on". The first bus was Joey's, and he opened the window and said TWIX GIRL, TWIX GIRL, I Love you...Guys come up here and see the TWIX girl. Now, I don't know who guys he was referring to, but I was about to bolt. The bus stopped and I almost ran after it because I thought it was for me. HAHA! It wasn't. The 2nd bus was Brian Littrell and he pointed to me and shrugged his shoulders but smiled anyway. There was another bus, but no one seemed to be on it. I could only assume it was Howie since he was traveling with his family including a newborn. The last bus was the baby daddy bus. Donnie was waving, but he did not see me, so I ran after the bus, and the bus slowed down. Donnie opens the window and he puts his hand out. He looks over and tells the driver open the door (yes, I would've gotten on - you don't have to ask me twice!) but two fans also came up, and he said hold on. He shakes my hand and says it was good to see you TWIXGIRL!

Now, I'm completely happy! The concert was jamming, and I got my experiences truly to last me a lifetime.


On June 4th, My sister had to leave early, so she left at 4 in the morning. When we finally got up, we met with my friend Jenny Wade (friends since 8th grade) who lived in that area. We went to Georgetown for shopping and then ate at Serendipity for the legendary frozen hot chocolate. Then we went sightseeing at the Smithsonian and Lincoln Memorial. Jenny is the best tour guide ever! We went to eat at Raku and walked around Dupont circle. We had different varieties of Vodka at the Russia House, the bartenders are cute!

As we were leaving, Angela and Crystal went to get their picture taken and asked a young man in a blue blazer and a button down and a Congressional Pin to take their picture. He proceeds to get in their picture and starts trying to maul Angela. I start running over since I saw a black Suburban pulling up. Thankfully, they got away.

We get back, and we take a quick chill before we start getting ready to go to the District on 18th st. We were supposed to meet Brooke, but she got tied up with the Kenny Chesney concert. This club is set like an apartment loft, and it played all types of music. This night was an adventure itself. All records were broken because I got hit on by men, women, and couples. I got asked to dance with someone for $1000 and diamonds, and no, I didn't because I don't know what type of dance he had in mind. HA! Another guy who was dancing with me almost had a happy ending, seriously, mini Vin Diesel, learn to control it!! AND I managed to get money from a bouncer who was so cute. We were crazy heading back and we seemed to perk the interests of Fire Truck #3, who hit the siren for us, Fire Truck #6 who kept flashing their lights on us, a guy who wanted to jump in our cab, another creepy guy who tried to stalk us at our hotel, and our cab driver who wanted kisses instead of payment.

All in all, it was a fun night.

The next day, we were exhausted, but I still wanted to see my Brookie, so we met her at the District Bar and Grille. Food was yummy, and we left DC by 1pm.

Chalk up another great adventure!

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