Monday, April 25, 2011

Missing the Boat

So a little sad that in 21 days, I will be missing the boat in Miami, as another cruise passes; however, 2 weeks after that, I will be in DC with my 3 other sisters and watching the New Kids on the Block/Backstreet Boys tour. I'm very excited and I will unveil my new dress. Then 3 weeks after that, I plan to be in Atlanta!! We'll have to check funds, but I hope to be in Greensboro in July, so I can't wait!!

I hope to see some new friends as well as ones that I have met through this NKOTB journey. Sure, there is a certain sense of competitiveness when it comes to vying for one of the guy's attention; however, there is a certain LOVE that is all encompassing that people who are not true fans can't understand, and that's alright because I understand it, and I will bask in hold me for another year.

MUCH LOVE to the BH army, Bloquitas, etc. etc.

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