Monday, December 7, 2009

My Love For the Block

I guess I really don't have the stories that everyone has. The first time I ever heard of "The New Kids on the Block," was when I was visiting my cousin in San Francisco. I was heading back to the south, and I had experienced so much in California that I didn't want to leave. I heard Joey McIntyre sing "Please Don't Go Girl" on a radio station called KMEL. My heart went pitter patter, and I thought to myself I need to find out who this group was because they were singing my song. I wasn't ready to leave California.

When I came home, I went to read up on this group. I thought what a bunch of cute guys and also thought they sounded like "New Edition" or "Jackson 5". I loved those groups. I was already older, so I didn't quite get the crushes that everyone else had, but Jordan Knight did catch my eye at least a few times. Then my college roommate asked me if I was interested in going to a New Kids concert. I thought great in Columbia, SC. I thought that was great since it was my first concert. I was in the nose bleed seats, and I believe a column was blocking most of my view, but it was fun, but I couldn't hear much afterwards. I still followed them, and their songs found a way to my mixed tapes...ahh, yes, the proverbial mixed tape. The angst of young love and the pain of sorrow and betrayal of a tender age.

I still followed their individual careers. I saw Donnie Wahlberg in "Ransom," and I heard him produce his brother Mark. I saw what a true brother he was. I watched his movie career and was in complete joy at his breakthrough performance in "Sixth Sense." I thought there is no way they would ever come back. I listened with joy at the new bands like N'Sync or 98 degrees, and was estatic when I saw that Jordan Knight and Joey McIntyre were doing their own solo singing careers. I loved their singles, and I saw that they all were growing up to be handsome men. I cheered Joey on during Dancing with the Stars, and I even voted most of the time. I laughed at Jordan while he was trying to dance with Charro on Surreal Life. People made fun of me because I watched them, but I didn't care. I thought it was sweet, and then I watched in horror when Donnie got chopped up in "Saw" but applauded that his character was misguided because I believed it, and I continued to watch the replays of "Band of Brothers." My grandfather was in the Philippines in the Bataan Death March in World War II, so I had respect for that time period, and I loved that everyone else did too in that movie. I also saw Jon Knight on Oprah, and my heart broke for him. I just wanted to wrap him up in a steel blanket and let him know that he was loved and that no one would ever want to hurt him. I loved that Jordan was there supporting his brother Jonathan.

Flash forward 15 years later. I hear inklings that "New Kids on the Block" were planning to reunite. I set my tivo to record. I watched it over and over again. My eyes did not deceive me. They aged so well...I was taken aback. They were coming back to perform new songs. I was scared and anxious. Yes, I did it. I went online and heard some of the leaked tracks, and I was excited. Would they be accepted again? I scoured youtube for some videos and saw some rehearsal videos and watched every E! News network biography. I knew alot of the fans had a few years on me, and they had the dolls and the sheets. I had to catch up! I stayed home from work, and I watched them perform. I still have that on my tivo, and I was excited. I played it for my daughter, and she loved them too. My younger sister got swept in the mania as well...we were all a collective now.

My sister won tickets to the Charlotte concert. I watched their AOL video to see if I could catch some of the dance moves. The seats weren't great, but 2 friends and us were waiting...and the first notes were playing and the nostalgia video began. My heart was racing. And you couldn't keep us in our seats. After that concert, we went to see if we could spot them in the buses...and it was the "After Show Get Down". The security folks could not hold back the power, and it went charging. I got nervous looking for my sister when I saw a couple of girls fall. I didn't have to worry because she was stuck to Jordan. HAHA! And the mania took over. The guys still seemed gracious and looked like they were having fun.

We had bought tickets to the Tampa show a couple days later. We were staying at a hotel, and I see a glimmer of Zack, and I realize that they are staying at the same hotel. My heart skipped a beat. I got to 5* in Tampa, and I was nervous trying to figure out what to say. I thought I had it down, but when it was our group's turn. I froze. I got pushed to Danny, who was so sweet with his warm and strong hug. He talked to us, and I remember saying something about Lupus. Danny didn't say anything, but I could tell he was wondering what I was talking about. My sister was talking to Jordan, and I finally had the courage to turn around and face him. It was picture time, and I had to remember to turn sideways. I was standing behind Jordan, and I couldn't figure out what to say. I do some training at work, and I was frozen. I managed to say Thank You for this to Danny, Jordan, Donnie, Joey, and Jon, and everyone thanked me back and hugged me tight. Jon was the last to hug me, and that hug was so heartfelt, that I could have died then completely satisfied. My sister and I had front row tickets, and I danced and had the best time. We tried to catch them afterwards, but everyone was heading home to vote. It was going to be monumental but for another reason.

I thought I have had my fun...then in February 2009. I got devastating news from my doctor. I was asked to return after some tests. They would not talk to me over the phone, and my heart froze. The word Cancer came out of my doctor's mouth, and I knew that my outlook was imperative to my prognosis. Although I had family that loved and supported me, I couldn't think of them during this time. Whenever I thought of my daughter, the images of her not having a mother to teach her what moms should broke my heart to the point of non functioning. I knew I didn't have time for that, so for every treatment and every test. I listened and watched old videos, and I looked through and relived my memories of New Kids on the Block. I laughed when I watched the Youtube 2 Girls and a Cup...every time Danny would just make me laugh, and the look of horror on Jon's face made me forget why I was there on the table to begin with. I laughed when Jordan and the rest of the guys pulled out their Twixes during the Twisted song via youtube.

So in March when I heard they were coming to Greenville, I made the conscious decision to be I thought it over and made the Twix dress. Who could miss a gold candy bar?! It worked. Jordan pointed me out and even Joey made a comment. It was done. My new identity was born as the NKTWIXGIRL. I changed my twitter name, and began to get new followers that were blockheads. It opened a dialogue and I met so many wonderful people. I was still going through treatment, New Kids was my outlet, my own private Idaho. They were my island...tbey made me laugh when things weren't laughable...and they were there with me even though they didn't know it. I went to my surgery knowing I had met another one of the five...Donnie. He was very nice in Greenville and showed complete love for the fans. My love for the guys deepened. I read the twitter updates, and I was inspired every day. I even got retweeted by Jordan, and I almost fell over. I saw them in Atlanta, but I couldn't get a hold of them, but I was still in pain from the surgery, so I wasn't quite up to speed, bu the Twix dress was.

I knew I had to go to another concert, so I had tickets to Charlotte and Raleigh. I had a plan and everything, but my heart broke, when the venues were cancelled. I wanted to thank the guys just to let them know what they did for me, so my local BH army, my sister Grace, my friends Angela and Crystal took a road trip from Charleston, SC to Houston, TX. 22 hours later, we arrived, and we were tired, but that morning 3 hours later, we were jumping out and scrambling when we saw Jon's tweet. We figured out they were at the venue, so we were there, hugging and crying with Jon, who was so nice to every one. I wanted to thank him for overcoming his anxiety because New Kids would not have been the same without him, and would the dynamic be the same? I'm glad we didn't find out, but as everyone became emotional...I didn't know if I needed to heap on another layer to Jon, so I couldn't say anything. The good thing is my sister, a Jon girl, got a chance to take pictures with him. We just forgot his gift.

The Houston concert was much love. Tears flowed down my face too. Was it over? Would I ever get a chance to say thank you. We tried to wait, but security made us leave after the concert. We went to the after party at Club Hush, but it was just too many people. We had a blast.

Then my moment came. No one was going to be able to come with me to see Donnie at Club Life in Atlanta, but I was going since he and Jordan started this whole ride. I needed to say something to him. Then to my surprise Jordan Idol was coming to Atlanta, so I took it as a sign and went to see them. 2 days before my trip. Jordan followed me on twitter, and I kept reviewing with my own eyes to make sure I wasn't sleeping. It was the world telling me to go, so I got two other Twix shirts done, and I was ready to go. I loved Donnie's set, but then I planted myself until I could talk to him. No one was letting me through. Donnie was gracious and I felt him lift my chin up a few times. It made me happy, and Jordan smiled at my dress. As Jordan was heading out, I was left with a dilemma, to chase Jordan or to say what I came to say. After much waiting, Donnie went to hug a girl behind me. I finally got the courage to say thank you and semi-explained to him why I was saying thank you. He bowed his head and said thank you to me, and that it is people like me that inspire him. I was trying to keep it together. He gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He took my camera and took a picture, and then I remembered I needed to get my sister's birthday present signed, so I asked him, and without hesitation he did it. I got a tweet later on that night about going to the party, but I couldn't go. Tears were streaming down my face because now, he knows, a representative of the group knows what he/they did for me. I'm still fighting, and some days are tough, but those tweets...those helps push me through.

Yes, there is something special that each brings. The inner strength and deep passion that Danny has. His dedication to his regime and the power behind his dance. The sweetness of a new Daddy and complete humor that Joey brings. He is the second Chairman...the teasing that Jonathan brings, and give me a break...the man looks good...who else looks good in a wetsuit with a cast? He keeps complaining about him being old, but can I look that good too? Then there's Donnie. He brings sensuality to a new level, but truly cares about his soldiers. He is the general except he fights in the trenches with us. And Jordan who teases and titillates with his dimples and winks and laughs.

I love them all for what they did for me...they may never know, but they helped move me at the time that I needed...I met some lifelong friends like Angela, Crystal, Michelle, Anja, Jo, Amber, Kristina & her sister Courtney, and many more in the Tweetworld and Facebook world. It is even more amazing to me to see stars that opened for them become even bigger like Lady Gaga, Jabbawockeez, Natasha Bedingfield, and Jesse McCartney. I see how giving they are of them, and truly how happy they are when the others succeed. Could any other group do this? Maybe...but I haven't met them. I know the group didn't reunite just to help me out, but forces aligned, and I couldn't be happier that they helped "walk" me through this path.

I could never heap the thank you's, write the thank you' will never be enough. Although I get teased at work, I take it in stride, but no one talks badly about them in my presence. Their gift to me is too valuable. And though I may not ever be able to truly hang out and just talk to them and let them know how wonderful and beautiful people they are, I just hope that they get the message somehow.